Indigenous Women of the Amazon Basin Summit: a call for Earth

November 15, 2021 Por adminen News, Territories, Uncategorized Tena, Colombia — The ‘House of Thought’ of the Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon (OPIAC) became the great house for hundreds of indigenous women, who traveled from their villages along the 6,992 km of extension of the Amazon Basin, to share experiences and build […]

Exchange with community women from the Vaupés region and creation of the first Women’s Association of the Colombian Amazon

October 6, 2021 Por adminen News, Territories, Uncategorized Vaupés, Colombia – In March 2021 The Invisible Thread (TINTA) through its Weaving Ties initiative, held a two-day workshop for the women of ATICCAM, the Association of Indigenous Traditional Authorities of the Communities of the Area of Direct Influence of the Mitú Micro Hydroelectric Power Plant; in the Vaupés  […]

First International Exchange on Community Connectivity and Communication

December 27, 2021 Por adminen News, Territories, Uncategorized November 22 – 27, 2021. Chiapas, Mexico — Concurring on the need to strengthen exchanges of experiences to better understand emerging connectivity technologies, young people from Petén, Guatemala, who are part of the Mesoamerican School of Leadership (EML) of the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests (AMPB), crossed the Usumacinta River […]